
The student is assumed to be attending all classes for which he/she is registered. A student is responsible for course assignments regardless of the reason for the absence.


All full and part-time students who have applied for admission to the university and are working on a degree program are assigned class status:

  • 大一新生,那些学分少于30个学期的学生
  • 二年级,修满30 - 59学分者
  • 二年级:学分60至89学分,累计成绩120分
  • 高年级:修满90学分及以上,累计成绩180分者
  • 学士学位阶段后的, 获得学士学位者, 正在攻读第二个学位, 高级执照或证书
  • 研究生, 获得学士学位者, 并且已经被一个研究生项目录取了


The purpose of an audit is to allow the student an opportunity to experience a particular discipline in an effort to make future degree/program decisions. 经审核的课程不满足其他课程的先决条件. Only earned credits may count toward degree/program requirements or prerequisite fulfillment. A student may register for any course without credit by declaring that intention at the time of registration. A student may change a credit class to an audit no later than the last day to add classes. 能否进入取决于课堂的可用空间. 通过支付常规学费,审计可以改为常规注册, using the standard registration change procedures and meeting the deadline of the last day to add classes.

Students electing to audit a Warner Pacific course must attend/participate (in) 75% of the classes for the audit to appear on the transcript; if the required attendance/participation level is not reached, 审计记录将从笔录中删除, 但不退还任何费用.



学院通过字母等级来衡量学术工作的质量, 哪个等于数值点值, 创造一个“平均绩点”.” Letter grades may be adjusted by use of the plus (+) and minus (-) modifiers. 阅读完成后, 写作, 表现或实验作业和课堂参与, 下面的陈述大致暗示了字母等级的含义. Instructors may contextualize these statements according to the particularities of their courses.


A =优异成绩(4分). The student’s work exceeds the course learning outcomes by formulating new knowledge or unique evaluations of existing knowledge, 坚持最高的学术标准, 展现非凡的创造力, 和/或包括深刻的应用到个人经验.

B =非常好(3分). The student’s work meets all of the course learning outcomes by exhibiting a thorough understanding of the subject matter, 聘用称职奖学金, 对课程主题作出合理的结论和综合, 和/或反思对个人观点的影响.

C =令人满意的表现(2学分). The student’s work meets most of the course learning outcomes by representing an acceptable understanding of the subject matter with relatively few errors in reasoning, 表现出对学术期望的充分认识, 和/或将课程主题应用于个人经历.

D =成绩较差(1绩点). The student’s work does not meet several of the course learning outcomes by revealing significant gaps in understanding of the subject matter, 缺乏对学术惯例的一贯使用, 和/或一点个人应用.

F =不能接受的表现(0分). The student’s work fails to meet the course learning outcomes by demonstrating an insufficient understanding of the subject matter, 不善于运用学术惯例, 和/或无法将主题与个人经历联系起来.

P/NP =通过/不通过
I =不完整
R =注册员没有分数
X =没有评分依据

Plus or minus grades may be specified on the transcript but will not affect the calculation of the grade point average.


An Incomplete (“I”) may be given only when the student has: 1) satisfactorily completed all course assignments through the date of request earning at least a 2.本课程所分配作业的平均绩点为0分, and 2) if completion of other requirements is not possible because of factors beyond the control of the student. The “I” may be granted only after a completed and approved Request for Incomplete form has been filed in the Records Office. 未完成的作业必须在期末考试外围博彩平台前提交. An Incomplete taken in the fall semester must be completed by the end of the following spring semester; an Incomplete taken in the spring or summer semester must be completed by the end of the following fall semester. 未完成的工作未在规定时间内完成的, 注册官会自动将“I”改为“F”.”


在进行中(“IP”)只提供给研究或论文课程, 实习, 学习之旅, 独立学习, 以及夏季学期的课程. 以获得“IP”等级, the 注册商 must receive a contract for completing the work signed by the student and the instructor. An In Progress taken in the fall semester must be completed by the end of the following spring semester; an In Progress taken in the spring or summer semester must be completed by the end of the following fall semester. 如果正在进行的工作没有在规定的时间内完成, 注册商将自动将“IP”更改为“F”.” An extension may not exceed the stated period without the approval of the Academic Policies Committee.


Courses at 外围博彩平台 may be taken for a Pass/No Pass (P/NP) under the following stipulations:

  • To earn a “P” the student must complete the requirements of the course with at least the equivalent of a “C” letter grade.
  • 总共不超过12个学分, and no more than six credits in any one term (except 实习 and student teaching) may be taken P/NP to apply toward graduation.
  • 学生主修或辅修的课程可能不是P/NP.
  • Other courses which may not be taken for a P/NP include CLS 101, EN 101, EN 200 and BI 151. (Any exceptions to this list must be approved by the department offering the course.)
  • Students choosing to exercise the P/NP option in a course must process a P/NP form. This form must be completed and on file in the Records Office by the Friday of the tenth week of classes. (此表格可向档案处索龋.)
  • Once the P/NP option has been elected, it is not possible to request a letter grade at a later date.
  • Any exceptions to the above policy must be approved by the Academic Policies Committee.


一次记录, a grade of “A” through “F” can be changed only in the case of clerical or computational error. It is the student’s responsibility to bring to the attention of the instructor any error in grades received within one semester following the issued grade. 导师将向注册主任提交成绩变更. The instructor who assigned the grade should be involved in any appeal procedure concerning grade changes.

根据第九条和34 CFR§106的要求.9, 外围博彩平台 does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities.